
TOP5期刊同一期出现了四位华人学者的文章, 在这一领域华人始终都是佼佼者!

计量经济圈 计量经济圈 2022-12-13



所有计量经济圈方法论丛的code程序, 宏微观数据库和各种软件都放在社群里.欢迎到计量经济圈社群交流访问.

华人经济学家在理论经济学和计量理论方面确实挺有竞争力的,不然就不会出现众多华人经济学家去担任Journal of Econometrics的主编、副主编、编委。在The Review of Economic Studies 2021年第3期就同时出现了2篇完全由华人经济学家发表的理论经济学和计量经济学文章。当然,相对于实证经济学文章,这2篇理论型很强的文章对读者的数学和经济学知识提出了更高的要求。而熟悉这个领域的学者,也知道以下四位华人经济学家在本科阶段所学专业无一例外的都是数学。
世界范围位列前500的经济学家名单, 中国经济学家一直在坚守其中!


Zhongjun Qu, Fan Zhuo, Likelihood Ratio-Based Tests for Markov Regime Switching, The Review of Economic Studies, Volume 88, Issue 2, March 2021, Pages 937–968, https://doi.org/10.1093/restud/rdaa035

Markov regime-switching models are very common in economics and finance. Despite persisting interest in them, the asymptotic distributions of likelihood ratio-based tests for detecting regime switching remain unknown. This study examines such tests and establishes their asymptotic distributions in the context of nonlinear models, allowing multiple parameters to be affected by regime switching. The analysis addresses three difficulties: (i) some nuisance parameters are unidentified under the null hypothesis, (ii) the null hypothesis yields a local optimum, and (iii) the conditional regime probabilities follow stochastic processes that can only be represented recursively. Addressing these issues permits substantial power gains in empirically relevant settings. This study also presents the following results: (1) a characterization of the conditional regime probabilities and their derivatives with respect to the model’s parameters, (2) a high-order approximation to the log-likelihood ratio, (3) a refinement of the asymptotic distribution, and (4) a unified algorithm to simulate the critical values. For models that are linear under the null hypothesis, the elements needed for the algorithm can all be computed analytically. Furthermore, the above results explain why some bootstrap procedures can be inconsistent, and why standard information criteria can be sensitive to the hypothesis and the model structure. When applied to US quarterly real gross domestic product (GDP) growth rate data, the methods detect relatively strong evidence favouring the regime-switching specification. Lastly, we apply the methods in the context of dynamic stochastic equilibrium models and obtain similar results as the GDP case.


Guofu Tan, Junjie Zhou, The Effects of Competition and Entry in Multi-sided Markets, The Review of Economic Studies, Volume 88, Issue 2, March 2021, Pages 1002–1030, https://doi.org/10.1093/restud/rdaa036

We study price competition and entry of platforms in multi-sided markets. Utilizing the simplicity of the equilibrium pricing formula in our setting with heterogeneity of customers’ membership benefits, we demonstrate that in the presence of externalities, the standard effects of competition can be reversed: as platform competition increases, prices, and platform profits can go up and consumer surplus can go down. We identify economic forces that jointly determine the social inefficiency of the free-entry equilibrium and provide conditions under which free entry is socially excessive as well as an example in which free entry is socially insufficient.


0.陆铭教授给搞实证研究学者的经验建议,1.现实·理论·证据──谈如何做研究和写论文,2.陆铭教授以审稿人的身份谈论文写作和审稿,3.把实证研究进行到底,献给学术路上的人,4.评陆铭《如何把实证研究进行到底》,5.姚洋为什么你不能发《经济研究》?,6.姚洋经济学是科学吗?季刊主编如是说,7.姚洋:如何写出一篇高质量的论文,8.陈强: 计量经济学实证论文写作全解析,9.洪永淼教授, 可以为计量经济学代言,10.计量工具让经济学科学化了吗,11.徐淑英:商学院教授们, 别躲在象牙塔里,12.计量经济模型实证分析的正确打开方式,13.美国经济学教育体系和对中国的启示,14.经济学实证研究中的误区,全部是经验,15.计量经济学中的7大误区, 你踩雷了吗?16.邹恒甫教授对年轻学者四句学术箴言,17.你为什么发不了AER和经济研究?18.与AER齐名的期刊主编亲笔信,19.AER, JHR告诉你, 如何在期刊上发论文,20.教授、主编和博士们的文献阅读指南,21.芝大学教授, 自科与社科的真正区别,22.芝大学教授的博士生论文写作指南,23.模型在微观实证研究中到底重不重要,24.萧政:新鲜课题是中国经济学研究的优势,25.好的经济学研究怎么开展,LSE指导文书,26.教授指点计量经济学迷津,27.邹志庄教授计量研究汇结,总结研究经验,28.学术论文写作的碧血剑谱,29.写论文的初期-中期-晚期, 模型-思想权衡,30.顶尖期刊论文的写作策略, 不看后悔终生,31.在顶尖期刊发论文投稿, 拒稿和修改策略,32.经济学论文写作的28条军规,33.如何读英语论文, 怎样读懂英语论文,34."经济研究"规定论文写作规范与编辑标准,35.史上最全博士论文撰写指导手册,36.SSCI论文写作和投稿技巧指南针,37.顶级经济学期刊发表论文计量方法分析,38.你的论文写作一塌糊涂,我想撕了它,39.权威编辑教你怎样写好学术论文,40.如何写好计量经济学实证分析论文,41.优秀论文写作全攻略,熟读一篇,42.全国“百篇优博”论文的分析,43.一个完整的实证分析框架: 从数据, 模型到结果检验,44.搞实证研究的该如何选题? 一些宝贵经验,45.选择实证研究问题的六个维度, 大有可为,46.实证研究的诀窍, 因果识别,因果识别,47.经济学实证研究中的误区,全部是经验,48.把实证研究进行到底,献给学术路上的人,49.如何正确用计量经济模型实证分析?50.实证经济学走过的三十年,数据、模型和工具的力量,51."实证研究13篇"功夫秘笈, 中青年学者研究必备锦囊!52.TOP5的QJE主编就顶刊的写作, 投稿, 审稿, 修改和青年学者的顶级期刊成长之道的建议!




Econometrics Circle

数据系列空间矩阵 | 工企数据 | PM2.5 | 市场化指数 | CO2数据 |  夜间灯光 | 官员方言  | 微观数据 | 内部数据计量系列匹配方法 | 内生性 | 工具变量 | DID | 面板数据 | 常用TOOL | 中介调节 | 时间序列 | RDD断点 | 合成控制 | 200篇合辑 | 因果识别 | 社会网络 | 空间DID数据处理Stata | R | Python | 缺失值 | CHIP/ CHNS/CHARLS/CFPS/CGSS等 |干货系列能源环境 | 效率研究 | 空间计量 | 国际经贸 | 计量软件 | 商科研究 | 机器学习 | SSCI | CSSCI | SSCI查询 | 名家经验计量经济圈组织了一个计量社群,有如下特征:热情互助最多前沿趋势最多、社科资料最多、社科数据最多、科研牛人最多、海外名校最多。因此,建议积极进取和有强烈研习激情的中青年学者到社群交流探讨,始终坚信优秀是通过感染优秀而互相成就彼此的。

